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Discover Self-care Sundays

Making space for you

What are Self-care Sundays?

Whether you're short on time or you're struggling to get a good night's sleep, feel the need to reconnect with your body or want a little time where no-one can reach you on your mobile phone. Making space for self-care isn't always easy... but what if you booked out a little non-negotiable time?

Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook our own wellbeing - it’s often the first thing to go when you find yourself feeling too busy or overwhelmed.

Whether it's carving out time for meditation, unplugging from screens or calling a friend we want to make sure self-care becomes a sacred part of all our lives. So, every week we're bringing you ideas to give yourself a break with time dedicated to taking care of your mental, physical and emotional health.

Taking care of yourself isn't another thing to add to your to-do list - it's giving you the rest and recovery you deserve. Give yourself the opportunity to feel like the best version of yourself by putting a date in the diary for you with our Self-care Sunday ideas.

Brought to you by Creative Designer, Rhea Whelan and Marketing Executive, Phoebe Miller.

Discover our Sundays Stories

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Meditation tips

The benefits of meditation have been celebrated across the centuries, with something of a renaissance in recent years thanks to the influence of celebs and industry leaders. From physical benefits for heart health, reducing blood pressure and supporting mental health to bringing you back into the moment, you can do it for as long or as little as you like, wherever you are.

Discover different types of meditation
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A gentle reminder

It's very easy to get wrapped up in what we see others sharing online and quickly begin comparing our lives. We are wired to constantly compare ourselves to others and evaluate our lives against those of our peers. Be patient with yourself - we all grow at our own pace.

Discover our take on the meaning of wellness
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Spa treatments if you are...

Spa treatments offer time away from our phones, our busy lives - time focused entirely on ourselves. They can be relaxing, invigorating, restorative - perhaps they are targeted treatments to address a skincare issue that we have been anxious about. There are spa treatments tailored for all kinds of needs that ultimately give the brain a little time to relax.

Discover our spa days

Read more on The Hot Tub blog

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Why a spa break’s more than a luxury: spa health benefits

Most of us can agree that the prospect of a facial, a massage or time to ourselves by the pool are all lovely things to do. However, sometimes the luxury side of the spa experience can make us forget that all these things are also really good for our health and wellbeing. Here are just a few spa health benefits …

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How to get a better night's sleep

Ockenden Manor has introduced The Good Sleep Retreat, which offers a one-to-one, in-depth assessment and consultation with sleep expert and clinical psychologist, Dr Maja Schaedel. We find out what it's all about.

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