Barceló Montecastillo Golf
Barceló Montecastillo Golf
Barceló Montecastillo Golf
Barceló Montecastillo Golf
Barceló Montecastillo Golf
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Barceló Montecastillo Golf

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Pool
  • Sauna
  • Hydrotherapy Pool
  • Relax Room
  • Outdoor Pool
  • Gym

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Why people visit here

  • Hotel Spa Venue
    The hotel is freshly refurbished with a spa located on the grounds.
  • Mum-to-be
    Treatments are available for pregnant women.
  • Golf
    Not only is there an 18-hole golf course, but a golf academy to provide some potentially necessary lessons.
  • Other Activities
    If you’re more of the active sort, there are plenty of extra-curricular activities to get involved with – such as tennis, go-karting, racing lessons, water sports, horse riding and more (subject to charge).

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