Hotel Caesius Thermae And Spa Resort
Hotel Caesius Thermae And Spa Resort
Hotel Caesius Thermae And Spa Resort
Hotel Caesius Thermae And Spa Resort
Hotel Caesius Thermae And Spa Resort
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Hotel Caesius Thermae and Spa Resort

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Pool
  • Hot Tub
  • Sauna
  • Steam Room
  • Hydrotherapy Pool
  • Relax Room

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Why people visit here

  • Distance
    Hotel Caesius Thermae and Spa Resort is 25 minutes from Valerio Catullo Airport.
  • Family Friendly
    The hotel welcomes families in true Italian style, with pools for children and family rooms available.
  • Hotel Spa
    While guests to the hotel can choose to opt into the wellbeing options as much as they like, in addition to its four star splendour, it is home to a wide range of specialised spa facilities and thermal waters with an array of pools, a caldarium, Finnish sauna, six emotional showers, a frigidarium, an ice waterfall, a relaxation area, hydrotherapy treatments and a Centre of Ayurvedic Medicine.
  • Local Attractions
    In this beautiful part of Italy on the edge of Lake Garda, there is so much to see and do. The hotel offers bicycles with all the safety equipment to hire, and encourage you to indulge in excursions across the lake or inland to Verona, the Mantuan villages and the charm of Venice.

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