Zafiro Palace Alcudia 5*
Zafiro Palace Alcudia 5*
Zafiro Palace Alcudia 5*
Zafiro Palace Alcudia 5*
Zafiro Palace Alcudia 5*
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Zafiro Palace Alcudia 5*

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Pool
  • Sauna
  • Steam Room
  • Outdoor Pool
  • Gym
  • Restaurant

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Why people visit here

  • Hotel Spa
    The hotel has a wealth of facilities including a spa within the grounds that’s for adults only.
  • Family Friendly
    The hotel welcomes families with rooms, food and facilities catering to children including a dedicated pool complete with a pirate ship.
  • Scenic location
    The hotel is a mere 300 metres from the beach looking out over blue seas.
  • Activities
    The hotel offers a a full programme of sports including aqua gym classes and football matches for adults as well as clubs for teenagers and children.

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