Massage Tips Stay Home Hero

Self-massage for the neck

Our Path to Wellness partner, Treat Yourself Brighton, share their top tips for easing neck pain at home

Helping you eliminate muscle tension during lockdown

At, we are proud to offer a Path to Wellness scheme to support the physical and mental health of our hardworking team. As part of this scheme, the lovely Geraldine from Treat Yourself Brighton visits our office on a regular basis offering; desk massages, yoga classes, nutrition seminars and most of all, a beautifully calming aura!

Since moving our entire team to homeworking, we are really missing Geraldine’s soothing voice and healing hands. However, with the help of a camera phone and the wizardry of modern technology, lockdown doesn’t have to leave us all with aching shoulders. Here, Geraldine shares some simple stretches and self-massage techniques we can all be doing from home to keep as supple and healthy as possible.

Geraldine's neck massage step by step