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Interview in The Hot Tub … Lotte Williams

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This year, lingerie brand Curvy Kate launched a competition to find a new face (and body) to join their team of gorgeous girls in their Star in a Bra competition.  We caught up with winner, Lotte Williams, to find out what makes her laugh, smile, and feel confident!

What’s been the best thing so far since winning the Star in a Bra competition?

The bottle of bubbly my housemates and I popped open when I found out was rather nice, but it would definitely have to be the photo shoots. I did two the weekend after I found out!  It was the perfect chance to meet the Curvy Kate team, and everyone made me feel so welcome.

Do you have a favourite item of Curvy Kate clothing?

It would have to be the ‘Lottie’ set in Raspberry, its such a pretty print, the fit is perfect on me, and after all, it has my name on it!

Do you have a favourite spa treatment?

As a student I don’t get to a spa often but if I could I would definitely have a full body massage.  I get stressed incredibly easily and would love to know what it feels like to be completely relaxed from head to toe.

What’s your idea of the perfect day of relaxation?

For me, a productive day is a relaxing day as I feel best when I’m getting things done! I love it when I start the day off with a list of things to do and when I get into bed my brain switches off and I have the best night’s sleep.

What do you do to give yourself a boost when your confidence is taking a battering?

I always go shopping and treat myself to a new pair of shoes, because I when I’m not in a mood to try on clothes I know that an amazing pair of shoes will always look good and make me feel good.

When are you at your happiest?

When I’m with my closest friends, with a bottle of wine and copious amounts of chocolate. I don’t think I ever laugh so much as when I am with them!

When do you feel at your most confident?

I never know! I’m sure everyone can relate, just some days I wake up and just feel particularly good about myself, and that is when I feel my most confident.

What’s your top tip for looking and feeling your best when you have a hectic schedule?

I always try to drink about two litres of water every day; it stops me from getting dark circles under my eyes, even when I’m really stressed out. Sometimes it’s hard when your brain is on overdrive but I definitely feel my best when I go to bed before midnight and have a good solid night’s sleep!

Tell us one nice thing you are going to do for yourself this week?

This week is incredibly stressful for me as I finish my degree!  So lots of late nights and early starts. After I’ve handed in all my work I will reward myself with a well-deserved glass of bubbly and an early night, and I can’t wait!

Complete this sentenceA beautiful woman is … happy and healthy in her own skin, with a passionate heart and a strong mind.

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