With more emphasis on baby showers and dedicated pregnancy spa treatments, the world of spa offers beautiful experiences for mums-to-be. However, there’s still confusion about what you can and can’t do on a spa break when you’re pregnant. So what are the guidelines and when do they apply to you? Pennyhill Park Hotel’s Spa Therapy Manager explains…
The guidelines: pregnancy spa treatments
The rules do differ from spa to spa, some are very extreme and won’t treat you at all in the first three months of pregnancy, while others will offer some treatments in the first trimester.
The majority of spas however will veer away from offering most spa treatments in the first three months of pregnancy but will happily offer tailored treatments after that. For the most part, it depends on the type of treatment offering they have available, and the level of therapist training, what they are comfortable with, and probably some elements from an insurance point of view as well.
Pennyhill Park sits in the middle of these options. We offer high-end facials, manicures and pedicures, but no massages or wraps in the first three months. After that we have a collection of pregnancy spa treatments and specific pregnancy massages. These are tailored to make sure you’re comfortable, address specific pregnancy related stresses and strains, and avoid particular movements, areas and oils that are thought to be unsafe.
The guidelines: spa facilities
The other side of the spa experience is the facilities. Essentially, you should avoid higher temperatures because your internal temperature at that time is higher anyway. It’s not recommended to spend time in saunas, steam rooms, Jacuzzis or any facility that’s hot.
At Pennyhill Park we have a wide range of cooler pools and facilities. We also have a journey that we hand out to all guests to help them with how they’re feeling or want to feel afterwards. There is one specifically for use during pregnancy.
The reasons:
At the end of the day it’s all about the safety of you and your baby. For example, we don’t do any scrubs or wraps during pregnancy. This is because some of the active ingredients in the treatments, such as lavender, are generally avoided during pregnancy because they can supposedly bring on labour. So it’s a precaution.
In other cases, it’s not that ingredients aren’t considered entirely safe, it’s just that they simply haven’t been tested during pregnancy. So we err on the side of caution. We use Natura Bisse, where all the products have been tested during pregnancy. However, we also have our own product line as well, which hasn’t been tested, so we can’t use it. It’s all about guest safety.
In terms of massage, certain pressure points are supposed to bring on labour as well, and a lot of massage will use pressure points, especially on the scalp and soles of feet which are very active in pregnancy. They are not necessarily avoided, but need particular care and therapist training. If it’s a spa that specialises in maternity spa treatments, then they will be able to do more.
The first three months of pregnancy is universally known as the point where things are more delicate and there are a lot of changes going on in the body. That tends to be why the three month rule comes in. But we also get people coming in who don’t actually know they’re pregnant, or some guests who prefer not to divulge it.
The best thing to do is let the spa know at the time of booking. Phone ahead and see what the treatment options are ahead of time. It may mean your treatment needs to be changed or adapted, and if that’s all organised in advance it makes the day more relaxing for you and there’s no disappointment. We will always try to make a pregnancy spa treatment as close as possible to what you want from the menu.
What pregnancy spa treatment to choose?
Depending on where you go there are a lot of maternal spa treatment options available. Lots of people experience changes in their skin during pregnancy, so a fabulous facial feels like a real treat. However, most want a relaxing massage for all the aching areas. Our pedicures are also extremely popular as they come with a calf massage, which is excellent for swollen ankles and sore feet.