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Tried and Tested: Maychang Halo from The Vale Resort

There is always an element of melancholy when leaving a spa, which is the direct result of realising that your own bathroom, nice as it may be, doesn’t quite have the same ambience.  Although the right scented candle will go a long way to making bath time infinitely more inspiring.

So when a spa creates its own product line for you to buy and take home, it is an opportunity to grab with both well-manicured hands because with so many products on the market, for something reliable, a good place to start seems to be with the experts!

Cue the arrival of the new product line from The Vale Resort, Maychang Halo, which includes a lip balm, Dream Soak scrub containing Dead Sea salt and lavender, Exotic Bath and Shower Drench, Fizzy Bath Sherbert, and a Silky Skin Scrub using 100% natural unrefined sea salt.

Having put them all to the test,’s own Vicky Benning, had nothing but high praise from both a personal point of view, and (with Christmas in mind) the gift potential that the collection has thanks to prettily designed packaging and generous sized bottles.  Down to the important details however, what she really loved was the smell - the lavender in particular providing that instant sense of spa-inspired calm - as an unusually light sleeper, the combination of bath products and Vicky’s own lavender sleep balm guaranteed that she was out for the count!

As an added bonus and an increasingly important asset when it comes to responsible buying, it is also wonderful to know that the products are for the most part made from products sourced in the UK.  So the smug-factor is high as you’re safe in the knowledge that at least when it comes to bath time, your carbon footprint remains dainty and small!

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