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Spa recipe: Chocolate avocado mousse from Champneys

avocado chocolate recipe

While we won’t quite be back at our favourite spas for chocolate rasuls and facials this Easter, there’s no reason we can’t bring a little spa style to our homes with a healthy twist on chocolate recipes. Straight from Champneys’ Executive Chef, here is a spa recipe for a dessert that’s brimming with feel-good-factor.

A healthy spa recipe

Avocados are a true hero food; deliciously healthy and multi-tasking, whether spread on toast, added to your daily smoothie or mixed into a lunchtime salad. They’re one of the healthiest foods around, packed with healthy fats, anti-inflammatory properties and over 25 essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B, C, E and K, avocados are an excellent all-rounder in the kitchen. Avocados can also be whipped up to make a light and tasty pudding, so without further ado, take a look at this chocolate avocado mousse!


  • Four medium ripe avocados
  • 100g Clear blossom honey
  • 25g Cocoa powder
  • 1/2 Vanilla pod
  • 15ml Water
  • Two tsp Greek yoghurt
  • Four strawberries chopped with a little mint


  • For the vanilla honey syrup scoop the seeds from the vanilla pod.
  • Combine vanilla, honey and water in a pan reduce the liquid by half, remove vanilla pod and cool.
  • Peel and deseed the avocado. Put into food processor and blend until smooth, then add cocoa powder and vanilla honey syrup.
  • Set in the fridge for a minimum of four hours or overnight.
  • Serve in a glass with some strawberry salad, Greek yoghurt and a slice of avocado.
Book a spa break at Champneys

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