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Spa treatments for London Marathon runners


To all those running the London Marathon this weekend, we take our hats off to you, or at least our towel turbans, you deserve (and presumably get) a medal, and we think you deserve a massage as well.  As anyone who has ever been for a run knows, even a short one can leave you with a few aches and pains so after your spectacular 26.2-mile effort we recommend treating yourself to one of the following to help ease those aches and pains…

Body Conclusio

It’s basically your very own personalised steam room but it leaves your head free.  Pioneered at Mottram Hall it’s shaped like an egg and can be used as a pre treatment before a massage or as an ache relieving, detoxing little gem in its own right.


Thai Massage

It’s a classic treatment that requires expert knowledge to get it right and if you fancy a holiday, which you definitely deserve by the way, La Manga Club have this down to a fine art.  It’s a real stress reliever and works on the mind and body, and can be tailored to you, because what you really need is some personalised TLC right now.


Elemis Deep Tissue Muscle Massage

You probably don’t need this one explaining, but as we bet it’s not just your legs and feet that will be aching next week, a deep tissue massage is the way forward and as the products at Elemis are a real spa favourite, this little number should do the trick nicely!


Thai Foot Massage

So how are those feet feeling?  Don’t worry about it, a Thai foot massage will fix them right up.  Aromatherapy oils, blankets, and a series of different massage movements and stretches are all involved… doesn’t that sound like just what the doctor ordered?


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